10月5日,賈伯斯逝世周年,一支消失16年的紀錄片「遺失的訪談 The Lost Interview」意外現身,賈伯斯在影片中的談話,正中今日蘋果潛藏的危機,當時年輕又滿身傲骨的賈伯斯說:「當你獨占市場的時候,公司便不在成功,惟一的問題,只是沒有品味。」
現在的蘋果是市場大金剛,是全球市值最高的企業,達到六千兩百四十億美元,刷新歷史紀錄。檢視今年第二季的表現,iPad的平板電腦市占率是68%,Mac的美國PC市占率是12%,iPone 2012Q1的手機市占率雖然只有8.8%,卻囊括手機整體產業利潤的73%,產業分析師將有可能挑戰1兆美元大關,如果這個夢想果真實現,蘋果會成為獨佔中的獨佔。
When you have a market monopoly, the sales and marketing people end up running the company. The product people get run out of the company. Then the companies forget what it means to make great products. The [researchers] at Xerox PARC used to call the people who ran Xerox 'toner heads.' They just had no clue about a computer or what it could do.
賈伯斯對獨佔企業的強烈批判,在遺失的訪談中顯露無遺,他直言不諱的指出當時電腦產業的大問題:微軟沒有品味,蘋果從HP找來的團隊完全不行,IBM擁有最好的流程,卻忘記內容是王的道理。這些產業武林盟主、市場大金剛為管理、業務及行銷的人員所把持,忘記最重要的事情是做出偉大的產品,對產品及顧客有敏感的產品人被趕出公司,於是市場開始壅塞著一大堆平庸的品質。Xerox PARC研發中心的人謔稱這些頭頭是碳粉匣(Toner Head),他們對電腦是毫無頭緒,不知道電腦能夠幹些什麼。
英文版本 I hire a wrong guy 更長,可惜暫時沒有時間進行翻譯,很可能永遠沒有,靜待其他人的努力。
最近找到七印部落翻譯的完整版本,看來網路上有毅力的人很多,雖然此一版本較為簡略,但還是能充分領受到賈伯斯前瞻的產品創新思維, 就讓我們一起觀賞吧 ! 不過在Think One上似乎只能用PC觀看,iPad就不成,不知為何 ?
賈伯斯《 遺失的訪問 》真的非常值得一看,錯失商周之夜的朋友,可以到下列網址購買隨選影片,直接從賈伯斯生動的演說中吸取創新能量 :
商周網站獨家播映 一個你從未見過的賈伯斯 《 遺失的訪問 》
I always asked why you do things. And the answers you invariably get are, oh, that's just the way it's done. Nobody knows why they do what they do. Nobody thinks about things very deeply in business.
So in business, a lot of things are folklore, they were done yesterday and the day before. If you're willing to ask questions and think and work hard, you can learn business quickly. It's not the hardest thing in the world. It’s not rocket science.
Ultimately it comes down to taste. It’s a matter of trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done. And then try to bring those things into what you are doing. Picasso had a saying: “Good artists copy. Great artists steal.” We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.
Part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians, poets, and artists, and zoologists, and historians. They also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world. But if it hadn’t been computer science, these people would have been doing amazing things in other fields. We all brought to this a sort of “liberal arts” air, an attitude that we wanted to pull the best that we saw into this field. You don’t get that if you are very narrow.
Designing a product is keeping 5,000 things in your brain, these concepts, fitting them all together and continuing to push to fit them together in new and different ways to get what you want. Every day you discover something new, that is a new problem or new opportunity to fit these things together a little differently. It's that process that is the magic. ... It's through the team bumping up against each other: having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise. Working together, they polish each other.
In my mind, my metaphor for a team working really hard on something they’re passionate about. Through the team, through the group of incredibly talented people, bumping up against each other, having arguments and fights sometimes, and working together they polish each other, they polish the ideas and what comes out are these really beautiful stones.
We on a mission from god to save Apple.
We can build a litter thing can control giant thing.
The way that we're going to ratchet up our species is to take the best , and spread it around to everybody, so everybody grows up with better things... If we can nudge in the right direction, it will be a much better thing as it progresses. I think we've had a chance to do that a few times.
And how do you know the right direction to nudge it? Ultimately, it comes down to taste.